In October of 2014 Michelle set out on a quest to make a difference in Madagascar. With the support of several friends and family members she left on a 5 week journey to Madagascar determined to make a difference. She, along with two local Malagasy people, visited four villages and an orphanage. They delivered food, clothing and toiletries to nearly 600 children. More importantly, Michelle made a point to meet the heads of the villages to learn about their circumstances so she could help make a difference in the future.
The four villages she visited are: Ambalafeno, Ankevohevo, Ifasina and Mananjara. These pages tell the tale of Michelle’s amazing first visit to each of these villages and what we are doing to help each one. Because believes in a holistic approach to helping, it is our goal to establish long-term relationships to help teach the villagers lifelong skills that will have a lasting effect for a better future.