2023 An Evening at Shupe Homestead

Feeding Future Generations

Mama ny AinaOctober 22, 2023  * 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Shupe Homestead * 11931 N. 61st Street * Longmont, CO 80503

Planting TreesIt doesn’t seem possible! It’s been four years since we’ve been together. Covid was tough for all of us, but it didn’t keep us from doing amazing things for the children in Madagascar. We can’t wait to tell you about all our new projects since 2019. Plus, we’ll tell you how we’re committed to Feeding Future Generations of people in Madagascar.  

Please join us on October 22, 2023 for another fun evening at Shupe Homestead. As always, we’ll have a delicious Malagasy dinner (vegetarian and gluten free options available). There will be complimentary beverages during social hour. And our fabulous silent auction and buy-now items will make perfect Christmas gifts! 

Order your sponsorship or dinner tickets below today!

*Advance ticket purchase is required!*

See you soon!


Evening Schedule

5:00pm – 6:00pm:  Complimentary Drinks and Social Hour. Silent auction and buy-now items for purchase.
6:00 – 7:00pm: Dinner Program (please notify us or your table host if you need gluten free or vegetarian options)
7:00 – 8:00pm: Presentation of our work

Silent Auction Items Needed

We’re looking for generous donors to provide theme baskets or something from your business for our silent auction. Target value would be $50+. Call us today if you can provide something for the silent auction, 303-931-3141.

Volunteers Needed

Throughout the day, we need volunteers to help set up, serve food, watch the buy-now and silent auction tables, take payments for purchases, and tear down. If you can help us out, we would greatly appreciate it.  TEXT Dick Shiffer at: 303-921-8365.

Can’t make it on October 22nd?

Please consider giving a monetary gift by Clicking Here.

Or if you can help out with advanced planning of silent auction and buy-now tables, that would be great. Call 303-931-3141.

Please purchase your dinner tickets and sponsorship level here.

Thank you for helping us feed future generations in Madagascar.